About Argonauts Agency

Our history

Argonauts Agency is a digital communications agency specializing in the creation of websites and graphic design, which puts its know-how at your disposal to raise your presence, your communication, and your business to new heights.

Created in September 2023, it is the result of the meeting of the know-how of two long-time friends, Romain and Kélian.

Two digital professionals dedicated to excellence, where each person's expertise comes together to create something exceptional.

Our mission

Our mission is simple: bring your vision to life.

Whether through tailor-made websites, or impactful graphics, we are determined to offer our clients an online presence that exceeds their expectations, and which will grow their customer base and their revenue.

Our values

  • Curiosity: Curiosity is our driving force. The constant search for new ideas and approaches fuels our creativity and expertise.
  • Creativity : We believe in the power of creativity to solve problems and inspire change.
  • Integrity : Transparency and ethics guide each of our actions. We build relationships based on trust.

    Contact Us

    Discover how Argonauts Agency can evolve your digital presence and your business. Contact us to discuss your projects and explore new digital opportunities!


    Co-fondateur et Web Designer

    Romain created his first online store in 2019, and hasn't stopped since.

    From these professional experiences that followed (e-commerce, marketplace, startups, etc.), or these personal experiences as an entrepreneur and freelancer, creating and managing sites for himself and for others, he will know best support you in the creation and management of your e-commerce or showcase websites.


    Co-fondateur et Graphic Designer

    Graduated with a Master's degree in Design, Artistic Design and Visual and Multimedia Communication from the Créapole school in Paris, Kélian has been creating visuals for around ten years and worked as a freelancer until then.

    Graphic designer at heart, whether for visual identities (logos, illustrations, typographies, graphic charters, etc.), visuals for printed media (business cards, flyers, packaging, etc.), or even business models. application (UI/UX), it will transform your vision into reality.


    Découvrez comment Argonauts Agency peut faire évoluer votre présence digitale et votre business. Contactez-nous pour discuter de vos projets et explorer de nouvelles opportunités numériques !

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